Last year, my friend Lychee found an online tutorial to make this beautiful winter//Christmas decoration. This year we tried to find the instructions again and they were gone :( So we decided to do our own “How to” for this project. Note that in the end the snowflake is pretty big.

* 6 sheets of white letter sized paper (8 1/2 X 11”) [regular paper for the printer is perfect for this craft]
* 1 pair of scissors
* 1 glue stick
* 1 ribbon
* 1 paperclip
* 1 carbon pencil
* The momiji doll is not mandatory but she really did enjoy watching us!
1- Fold the sheet of paper into a triangle

2- Cut the exceeding piece of paper to make a perfect triangle

3- Fold the triangle again to make a smaller triangle

4- With a pencil, mark four equal points to guide you with your cut.

5- Make a cut following the length of the triangle and stop a little bit before the edge.

6- Make the second cut in the same direction, stopping just a few millimeters before the first cut.

7- Make all your cuts.

8- Put the triangle on the table.

9- Unfold it. You now have a square.

10- Fold the two center cuts and glue them together. Use your finger as shown in the picture, holding the pieces together for a few seconds and allowing them to dry a bit.

11- Turn over the square. Fold the two second cuts and glue them together. Use your finger as shown in the picture, holding the pieces together for a few seconds and allowing them to dry a bit.

12- Turn over the square. Fold the third cuts and glue them together. Turn over the square. Fold the fourth cuts and glue them together. Turn over the square. Fold the fifth cuts of the cut paper and glue them together.

13- Voilà! You have the first point of your snowflake.

14- Repeat those 13 steps 5 more times, making in total the 6 points required to complete your snowflake.

15- Glue together the side part of each point to build your snowflake

16- Hold the paper together with you finger for a few seconds to allow the glue to dry a bit.

17- Glue the last side to side point.

18- You can use a paperclip to hold the final part. Allow the glue to dry at least one hour.


20- Your snowflake is done.

21- Use a nice ribbon to hang the snowflake.
Special thanks to Lychee who assisted me and took the pictures for this "How to".

8 commentaires:
amazing work you do !! thanks for sharing these how-to-do! i m excited to try it out!
Thank you for you comment! This project is in fact really cool and when you get the twist ist easy and not so long (about 30 minutes)
This is awesome! I happened to find your blog and I just love it! I might have to try this craft out myself.
Beautiful... great tutorial, will be trying it this weekend with my 3 year old daughter :)
I'm confused about #4 With a pencil, mark four equal points to guide you with your cut. - where do I mark the four equal points from and to? Sorry to be obtuse!
Love it! Love it! Love It!
I just try by myself and the snow flake is absolutely beautiful.
Thank you indeed for sharing.
I linked your post in my facebook.
Regagards from Tuscany
@Anonyme You just need to mark at four spot at the bottom of your triangle in order to guide you with the cut (click on the picture to enlarge it :))
@Cata Hope you snowflake did turn out nicely :)
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